The Names on the Walls | Introduction

This is the beginning of a blog series shedding light on the life stories of the men to whom Heartland has dedicated various buildings and rooms. The Board of Directors has done this in honor of their commitment to God and to Heartland Baptist Bible College. Our desire is that our students would be affected by reading the names on the walls.

“I Didn’t Even Notice the Names on the Walls…”

My name is Calvin Goodman. I am a fourth-year missions majorNames on the Walls writer at Heartland and the student employee tasked with assisting the staff in curating our social media accounts. The room adjacent to my office at the school is the “Kevin O’Brien Conference Room.” Amusingly, I didn’t even notice the name on the wall until at least two weeks into the semester! That day, I began to take note of other buildings and rooms around campus with names on the walls. These names include Mike Thomas, Floyd Schexnayder, Richard Worsham, Art Wilson, Dennis Brown, and others.

What’s the Point of a Name on a Wall?

These buildings and rooms have been named after these men to honor their commitment to God and Heartland Baptist Bible College. Yet when I read a name on a wall, it honestly does not mean very much to me. I have never met that person – I know neither his finest, most joyful days in the ministry, nor the detriments he endured. I merely read the name and move on. Sadly, many of my fellow students are just as naive to the significance to the names on the walls.

It is to Remind Us of Their Stories.

Yet, just imagine spending Names on the Walls inspirationan afternoon walking around campus with someone like Sam Davison. As we walk up to the Music Building, we immediately see the plaque honoring Floyd Schexnayder. At once, memories hurry into Bro. Sam’s mind – memories of serving alongside Bro. Floyd during his own early years at Southwest Baptist Church. Bro. Floyd’s crisp, freshly starched and pressed white shirts, his hair never out of place, his “Let’s get her done!” attitude – all of these recollections are sparkling in his memory. Maybe even a tear or two wells up in his eyes. No doubt, he remembers being the one to lead most of the dedication services for these buildings. By reading the names on the walls, Bro. Sam is reminded of their stories, touched by their legacy, and challenged to replicate their faithfulness.

You are a Part of Their Stories!

Our sincere desire is that our students would be affected in the same way. We want them to know the stories of these men who, only by God’s grace, kept the plow in the ground for a lifetime. In reality, the students are actually a part of their stories themselves. Throughout the remainder of this semester and next, I will share the stories of just a few of the names on the walls on our social media accounts and our blog page. Please stay tuned!