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The average price for a year of Christian college or university in 2025 across the nation was $16,588.
Out of 15 Christian colleges and universities, with prices ranging from $32,400 to $6,000 per year, Heartland ranks as one of the most affordable at $9,330.
Institutions Included Above:
(in alphabetical order)
Ambassador Baptist College
Arlington Baptist University
Champion Christian College
Commonwealth Baptist College
Florida Baptist College
Golden State Baptist College
Heartland Baptist Bible College
Hyles-Anderson College
Maranatha Baptist University
Mission University (formerly Baptist Bible College)
Pensacola Christian College
Providence Baptist College
The Crown College
Trinity Baptist College
West Coast Baptist College
Heartland Baptist Bible College is one of the most affordable independent Baptist Bible colleges focused on training young people from independent fundamental Baptist churches. This fact is this is only possible due to the many churches and individuals who support the school financially. Heartland has four streams of support income: student payments, monthly support from churches, the May College Offering, and other miscellaneous income (Music Department sales, Bookstore sales, and Alumni Association support). Historically, students pay only 56% of what it costs to operate the school, monthly church support funds 12%, the May College Offering covers 20%, and other miscellaneous income contributes 12%. This support model has proven sustainable and is one the Lord has blessed for over 25 years. This sacrificial giving by churches and individuals provides every student with a 44% scholarship for every Heartland student which makes it possible to only charge $9,330 per year for Tuition, Fees, Room and Board. This unique affordability allows every student the opportunity to graduate and enter ministry free of student debt.
When are payments due?
Students are billed by semester (total annual cost/2) with two options to pay.
Option 1
Pay for the full semester, half of the annual cost, plus books and fees that apply. Payment is due at registration.
Option 2
Make a down payment at registration.
For Fall, 60% of the semester cost is due at Fall Registration. The remaining balance for the semester will be divided into three equal payments that are due the 15th of each month starting with September. Also, students will pay all other charges, including the installment fee, books, and other fees that may apply at registration.
In the Spring, 20% of the semester cost is due at Spring Registration. The remaining balance will be divided into three payments that are due the 15th of each month starting with February. Also, students will pay all other charges, including the installment fee, books, and other fees that may apply at registration.
What is the job market like?
Oklahoma City’s strong job market makes it possible for students to find a variety of jobs ranging from banking to fast food to day care to warehouse labor to retail to hospitality to manufacturing and more. An annual job fair is held each August on campus during registration for the sole purpose of local employers interviewing and hiring Heartland students for part-time employment. Students may also apply online for on-campus employment in the areas of maintenance, food service, bookstore, campus service center, housekeeping, security, music department, and the offices.
Heartland has a limited number of financial aid opportunities available to the student. These include institutional scholarships that are provided for need, merit, and service.
Students should pursue every opportunity for additional financial assistance from other sources, which might include: family resources, help from the home church, church scholarship funds, alumni scholarship funds, scholarships available from school districts and community organizations, scholarships from employers, and other private sources.
It is also important to remember that, due to the funding structure at Heartland Baptist Bible College, students pay less than the cost to educate them because of the generous financial support provided by local churches. This support is passed along to students through the radically affordable cost of attending.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-943-9330
Office Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Mailing Address:
4700 NW 10th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
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