
Frequently Asked Questions

Student Life FAQ's

How do I balance my school, personal, and work schedules?

#1  Write everything down on a calendar, class assignments, quizzes, tests, work schedule, visitation, special campus and church activities.  If you write it down, you will know what is coming up and you will know how to prioritize your study time.  

#2  Get your schoolwork done first, then go hang out with friends. 

#3  Plan on sick days during the semester.  Don’t assume you are caught up on your schoolwork because you never know when sickness may come and put you behind.

Is it easy to get an off-campus job?

What jobs do students have on-campus and off-campus?

Oklahoma City’s strong job market makes it possible for students to find a variety of jobs ranging from banking to fast food to day care to warehouse labor to retail to hospitality to manufacturing and more.

An annual job fair is held each August on campus during registration for the sole purpose of local employers interviewing and hiring Heartland students for part-time employment. We also have a separate job fair for on-campus jobs during registration or students may apply online for on-campus employment in the areas of maintenance, food service, bookstore, campus service center, housekeeping, security, music department, and the offices.

Are there any extra-curricular activities for students?

Student activities are scheduled throughout each semester and include outdoor and indoor games, fellowships, music recitals, off-campus activities and after-service fellowships at Southwest Baptist Church.

Weekly and monthly recurring activities include Missions Prayer Band and Preacher’s Roundup.

What opportunities for ministry will be available for me?

Opportunities for service include children’s ministries, nursing homes, music, witnessing, missions, and many other student and church ministries. HBBC students have a heart for others, and this is evidenced by the way they serve the Lord in the local church, on campus, and around the Oklahoma City Metro area.

Campus Life FAQ's

Can I bring my car?

Yes, students from all class years are allowed to bring a vehicle. Students who bring a vehicle are charged a vehicle registration fee during registration and a parking tag will be issued to authorize the student to park in designated areas.

What should I bring with me to Heartland?

The following items are absolutely vital to your time at Heartland Baptist Bible College, and we recommend you bring them with you or purchase them as soon as you arrive.

For your room:

• Twin Sheets

• Pillows

• Blankets

• Mattress Cover

• Mattress Pad (optional)

• Storage Containers

• Hangers

• Iron/Clothing Steamer

• Seasonal Clothing

• Umbrella/Rain Gear

• Laundry Detergent & Hamper

• Personal Trashcan

• Single Set of dishes (Plate, bowl, silverware, etc.)

• Mirror (optional)

• Decorations (optional)

• First Aid Kit (optional)

For the bathroom:

• Shower Caddy

• Shampoo/Conditioner

• Body Soap

• Deodorant

• Toothbrush/Toothpaste

• Hairbrush/Comb

• Razor

• Shower Shoes

• Bathrobe

For classes:

• King James Bible

• Book Bag

• Pens/Pencils

• Highlighters

• Notebooks

• Planner (Optional)

• Computer/Laptop (Optional, Student Use computers are available in the Library.)

• Printer/Ink/Paper (Optional, Printers are available in the Library; 10¢/page for B/W and 25¢/page for color.)

• Strong’s Concordance (Optional)

• Bible Dictionary (Optional)

For general use:

• Driver’s License

• State ID or Passport if no Driver’s License

• Insurance Card

• Prescribed Medications

What can I NOT bring with me to Heartland?

The following items are prohibited and should NOT be brought onto the Heartland Baptist Bible College campus.

• Toaster Ovens

• Air Fryers

• Hot Plates

• Over-the-Door Hooks

• Command-Strip Type Hooks

• Candles

• Video Games/Video Game Consoles

• TV’s/Movies/Streaming Devices

• Firearms (including pellet or BB guns of any kind), ammunition, fireworks, large knives, swords, and similar weapons.

o These may not be kept in a students’ possession but must be turned in to the Dean of Students’ Office.

Residence Hall FAQ's

Where would I live if I came to Heartland?

Single Students

Residence halls are available for all single students.

All full-time single students (12 hours or more) under the age of 25 are required to live on campus or at home with their parents. All single students under the age of 25, whether full or part-time, who desire to live off campus must complete an Application to Live Off Campus which will be reviewed by the administration. The application is available in the Dean of Students’ Office.

Married Students

Married students live off campus.

When can I move into the residence halls?

The residence halls open on the Friday before Registration Day during the fall semester, and on the Thursday prior to Registration Day during the spring semester.

How many roommates will I have?


Rooms vary in size with some housing two students but up to four students per room. 


Rooms vary in size with some housing four in smaller rooms to fourteen in the larger rooms.

What are the furnishings in the rooms?

Bunk beds and desks are provided along with dressers or an equivalent (i.e. wardrobes, built-in drawers, etc.).

What size are the beds?

Residence hall mattresses and beds are standard twin-size.

What is the dress code?

What clothes should I bring?

Students are asked to dress modestly and neatly, in a style that reflects dedication to Jesus Christ. Of course, there are differences in dress code depending on the situation (e.g., going to class versus going to a game in the gym). For specific guidelines, take a look at these excerpts of the HBBC Code of Conduct.

Men's Dress Code

Ladies' Dress Code

How much closet space is available per person?

Approximately three feet of closet space is available for each student.

Is there a place to do laundry?

Yes! Each residence hall has coin-operated washing machines and dryers (students can also pay through an app if they don’t have quarters).

How much space will I have for storage?

Each student has individual closet storage, at least 3 dresser drawers, a shared desk, under the bed storage, and storage for luggage. 

What do the Residence Halls look like?

See the photos below for examples of the Ladies' and Men's Residence Halls.

Cafeteria and Meal FAQ's

Does Heartland have special meals for those with food allergies?

We do not currently have the ability to prepare separate meals for those with food allergies or sensitivities.  However, there are a few options available to all students at mealtime:

1. Featured Entree - available every meal.  

2. Salad Bar - available every meal. 

Includes vegetables, proteins, cheeses, fruits, puddings, etc.  Everything on the salad bar is gluten-free and peanut-free.  The items containing gluten are offered in a separate area.  We strive to include enough variety and protein to make this a good full meal option.         

3. Grab & Go Sandwich Bag - available for lunch and supper, Monday - Friday. 

If the student has a documented allergy, it is accommodated here if possible (e.g. gluten-free bread, no dairy, etc.)

If I have a food allergy and can’t eat the meals in the cafeteria, do I have to pay for the food I’m not eating?

All on-campus students are required to purchase a full-board meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch, and supper, Monday through Saturday, and lunch on Sunday.

Can I cook my own food in the residence hall?

Yes, we do allow food to be cooked in the residence halls in approved common areas (not in individual rooms) using cookware allowed by the Code of Conduct.

What kind of cookware can I have in the residence hall?

Electric indoor grills (George Foreman-type, with a closing top plate only), crockpots, toasters, and rice cookers are permitted.  Electric pressure cookers are permitted provided that they do not have an air fryer function and that the brown/sauté function is not used.

Are there refrigerators and microwaves in the rooms? 

Each residence hall has a large refrigerator and a microwave in a common area that may be used by all residents. Smaller personal refrigerators may also be rented from the college for shared use among students in individual rooms (some restrictions apply).

Healthcare FAQ's

Am I required to have medical insurance?

Students are not required to purchase health insurance; however, maintaining some coverage, either on the parents’ policy or individually, is highly recommended.

The college makes available, and strongly recommends, a health insurance program for college students provided by an independent insurance carrier to whom the student pays the premium directly. 

An on-site nurse is available on a limited basis to conduct sick call verification on a daily basis. For treatment of illnesses and more serious conditions, several medical clinics work with the college to meet the health needs of the students.

Is there a list of doctors and medical facilities available to students?

The Dean of Students’ Office or Health Services can provide recommendations regarding urgent care facilities, emergency rooms, and physicians.

What if a student has a medical issue?

Heartland provides Health Services on-campus for several hours each weekday for students to seek evaluation from a medical professional. For medical concerns outside of Health Services hours, students should contact their resident advisor or their respective dean.

Admissions FAQ's

When should I apply to Heartland?

You are encouraged to request information about Heartland at any time, but since our application items are only valid for one year, we recommend starting the application process in September during your senior year of high school.  Heartland does not have a deadline for completing an application, per se, but the sooner you apply, the better we can help you be prepared for the upcoming school year.

What are the academic requirements for acceptance at Heartland?

Heartland does not have any special academic requirements for admissions, such as the ACT or SAT.  The only academic requirement we have is that you fulfill the requirements of your state for graduation in order to receive your high school diploma or have earned your GED, HiSET, or an equivalent. High schoolers will also need a transcript indicating classes taken, grades made, a completion/graduation date, and a signature of the person considered to be the principle.

Are there campus tours for visitors?

Yes! We enjoy having visitors on our campus. We recommend coming on a weekday during the school year so you can experience classes and chapel. Classes are from 7:30am-12:30pm, with chapel at 11:30am Tuesday and Thursday.

Click here to schedule a tour today!

Academics FAQ's

How many majors does Heartland offer?

Heartland offers 15 majors across 6 academic departments. The majors include 4-year programs in a variety of pastoral, missions, youth ministries, education, and music disciplines, as well as a 2-year Ministry Secretarial program and a 1-year Bible Certificate program. See the complete list of majors and the course catalog here.

How does Heartland support students academically?

Heartland desires for all students to thrive academically and provides multiple layers of academic support. All students are assigned to an academic department through which the student’s department chair is available to answer program-related questions and to give academic counsel. The Academic Affairs Office monitors students’ academic progress and provides guidance for those who need additional support. Instructors view their teaching responsibilities as a ministry to students and are eager to offer personalized help. Tutors are also available for a variety of subjects.

All of these support layers (and more) reinforce our care for students.

What quality of education will I receive at Heartland?

Heartland’s administration and board of directors (comprised of 22 pastors) are dedicated to excellence in ministry training without the influence of any accreditation association led by theologians from other denominations. Because the college is not entangled in bureaucratic accreditation processes, Heartland’s resources can be focused on giving students a high-quality education that prepares them for real-life Christian service. This quality of education is rooted in instructors’ personal walk with God and extensive ministry experience, as well as the leadership’s high academic standards. Through purposefully designed curriculum—and enriching and practical instruction—students are challenged to devote their minds to Christ, which gives them grace to excel in the academic rigors they encounter.

Is Heartland a local church ministry?

Because Heartland is not organized as a ministry of one specific church, perhaps you’ve wondered:

• Is Heartland a local church ministry, or is it a parachurch organization?

• Can our church send students to Heartland when we believe ministry training is a local church responsibility?

• Why is Heartland not under the exclusive authority of Southwest Baptist Church?

These are reasonable questions that warrant clear answers. We are passionate about biblical church doctrine, which means we’re glad to explain how a high view of the local church can co-exist with fervent support for Heartland.

Click here for more information.

Financial FAQ's

When are payments due?

Students are billed by semester (total annual cost/2) with two options to pay.

Option 1

Pay for the full semester, half of the annual cost, plus books and fees that apply. Payment is due at registration.

Option 2

Make a down payment at registration.


For Fall, 60% of the semester cost is due at Fall Registration. The remaining balance for the semester will be divided into three equal payments that are due the 15th of each month starting with September. Also, students will pay all other charges, including the installment fee, books, and other fees that may apply at registration.


In the Spring, 20% of the semester cost is due at Spring Registration. The remaining balance will be divided into three payments that are due the 15th of each month starting with February. Also, students will pay all other charges, including the installment fee, books, and other fees that may apply at registration.

How much does it cost to come to Heartland?

Annual Cost for 2025/2026:

On Campus

Tuition and Fees ………….… $5,110

Room & Board …………….… $4,220

Total HBBC Student Cost $9,330

Off Campus

Tuition and Fees …………… $5,110

Room & Board ………………..…… $0

Total HBBC Student Cost $5,110

How much does Heartland's cost compare to other colleges?

The average price for a year of Bible college in 2025 across the nation was $16,588.

Out of 15 Bible colleges, with prices ranging from $32,400 to $6,000 per year, Heartland ranks as one of the most affordable at $9,330.

Click here to learn more!

Why is Heartland so affordable?

Faithful church support combined with Bookstore and Music Group sales directly reduces the cost for each student. This results in the equivalent of a 44% scholarship for every Heartland student which makes it possible to only charge $9,330 per year for Tuition, Fees, Room and Board. Learn more here.

Does Heartland have any scholarships?

Does Heartland accept scholarships?

Heartland has a limited number of financial aid opportunities available to the student. These include institutional scholarships that are provided for need, merit, and service.

Students should pursue every opportunity for additional financial assistance from other sources, which might include family resources, help from the home church, church scholarship funds, alumni scholarship funds, scholarships available from school districts and community organizations, scholarships from employers, and other private sources. See our financial information page for more about financial assistance.

It is also important to remember that, due to the funding structure at Heartland Baptist Bible College, you could say that every student receives a 44% scholarship. Students only pay 56% of what it actually cost to educate them because of the generous financial support provided by local churches. This support is passed along to each student through the radically affordable cost of attending.

How do I make a payment on a student's bill?

Option 1

Pay online through your student account.

Option 2

Mail a check to the Finance Office at 4700 NW 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73127, payable to HBBC, including the student’s name and student ID number in the memo.

Option 3

Pay by phone at 405.943.9330 with your debit or credit card.

Option 4

Pay with cash, check, debit or credit card in the finance office.

How can I support the college financially?

The number one contributing factor that makes Heartland affordable is the faithful church support consisting of monthly giving, special giving and the participation in the May College Offering. Without this tremendous financial contribution, each student would pay nearly 60% more, which would prove to be unaffordable for the majority of those currently attending and for the great number of future students who will choose Heartland for their Bible college training. The students, staff, and faculty are very much aware of the huge impact church support makes to the operation of Heartland Baptist Bible College and are so very grateful for how it is used to train men and women for the Lord’s service.

Churches can support the college financially by mailing checks to the Finance Office at 4700 NW 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73127, made payable to Heartland Baptist Bible College, with “Monthly Support”,

Special Support,” or “May Offering” designated in the check memo line. Churches can combine various types of support on one check with clear designation instructions included. Checks are preferred at this time due to the processing fees associated with using debit or credit cards; however, contributions can be made by phone at 405.943.9330 or through online contributions.

Questions about sending financial support can be emailed to Brian Moseley, or you can call our office at 405.943-9330.



Email: [email protected]

Phone: 877-943-9330

Office Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm

Mailing Address:

4700 NW 10th St

Oklahoma City, OK 73127

© 2025 Heartland Baptist Bible College. All Rights Reserved.