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Take the first step today! Request an application by completing the form below. An admissions advisor will follow up with you to guide you through the process.

Heartland Baptist Bible College is an independent fundamental Baptist college that only accepts applicants from independent fundamental Baptist churches.

Request Form

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Are there campus tours for visitors?

Yes! We enjoy having visitors on our campus. We recommend coming on a weekday during the school year so you can experience classes and chapel. Classes are from 7:30am-12:30pm, with chapel at 11:30am Tuesday and Thursday.

Click here to schedule a tour today!

Does Heartland Have Any Scholarships? / Does Heartland Accept Scholarships?

Heartland has a limited number of financial aid opportunities available to the student. These include institutional scholarships that are provided for need, merit, and service.

Students should pursue every opportunity for additional financial assistance from other sources, which might include family resources, help from the home church, church scholarship funds, alumni scholarship funds, scholarships available from school districts and community organizations, scholarships from employers, and other private sources. See our financial information page for more about financial assistance.

It is also important to remember that, due to the funding structure at Heartland Baptist Bible College, you could say that every student receives a 44% cost reduction. Students only pay 56% of what it actually cost to educate them because of the generous financial support provided by local churches. This support is passed along to each student through the radically affordable cost of attending.

Is It Easy To Get An Off-Campus Job? / What Jobs Do Students Have On Campus and Off Campus?

Oklahoma City’s strong job market makes it possible for students to find a variety of jobs ranging from banking to fast food to day care to warehouse labor to retail to hospitality to manufacturing and more.

An annual job fair is held each August on campus during registration for the sole purpose of local employers interviewing and hiring Heartland students for part-time employment. We also have a separate job fair for on-campus jobs during registration or students may apply online for on-campus employment in the areas of maintenance, food service, bookstore, campus service center, housekeeping, security, music department, and the offices.

How Do I Balance My School, Personal, and Work Schedules?

#1  Write everything down on a calendar, class assignments, quizzes, tests, work schedule, visitation, special campus and church activities.  If you write it down, you will know what is coming up and you will know how to prioritize your study time.  

#2  Get your schoolwork done first, then go hang out with friends. 

#3  Plan on sick days during the semester.  Don’t assume you are caught up on your schoolwork because you never know when sickness may come and put you behind.



Email: [email protected]

Phone: 877-943-9330

Office Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm

Mailing Address:

4700 NW 10th St

Oklahoma City, OK 73127

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