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We would like to welcome you to join us in these upcoming events and conferences!
Join us as we partner together with churches around the globe to pray for the 10/40 region of the world. This is normally held during the first week in September.
Alumni Homecoming Week is among one of the favorite weeks of the semester for many students and staff, as well as the alumni who come back to campus. It is designed to provide fellowship among former students, interaction with current students, and a good dose of challenging preaching that will both encourage and help everyone who attends.
If you were a student at Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College (1967-1998) or Heartland Baptist Bible College (1998-present), or if you would just like to get to know some current or former students, this is a great week to visit campus.
Monday, October 13 - Thursday, October 16, 2025
View the Chapel Preaching Schedule.
College Days at Heartland Baptist Bible College is a great opportunity for youth groups and individuals to experience college life and allow God to guide them during three days of preaching, teaching, and activities. We are looking forward this year to dynamic preaching from President Jason Gaddis and Pastor Jonathan Pyle!
Wednesday, March 19, - Friday, March 21, 2025
Please join us for the 2025 Graduation Preaching Conference on May 12 – 15. We are looking forward to the opportunity to finish the school year with great preaching and fellowship! If you are not able to attend, we encourage you to watch by livestream.
The Ministry Refresher Institute is a 3-day conference held on the campus of Heartland Baptist Bible College. Our purpose is to refresh men and women already serving in the ministry- whether they are pastors, pastors’ wives, evangelists, missionaries, or staff members. The MRI is designed to sharpen your ministry tools so that you will be better equipped to serve your local congregation. It will also be a time of encouragement, as you have ample opportunity to fellowship with like-minded pastors, staff members, and laymen.
Wednesday, May 28, - Friday, May 30, 2025
Hearing from military personnel in this important week reminds to us to minister to the military.
Wednesday, March 5 - Sunday, March 9, 2025
During the Missions Conference at Southwest Baptist Church, Heartland students focus on the great need of foreign missions.
The National Church Planting and Home Missions Conference at Heartland Baptist Bible College is an exciting time of raising funds for independent fundamental Baptist church plants in the United States. In the 2025 conference, $1,170,720 was raised in one-time commitments, and $12,110 in monthly support! It was a wonderful time of preaching, fellowship, encouragement and giving.
Please join us once again next year if you are able! For those who were not able to attend in-person, all services can be watched on livestream.
Tuesday, January 13 - Thursday, January 15, 2026
Each November the OBPF meets in the Sam Davison Biblical Preaching Center.
Monday, November 3 - Tuesday, November 4, 2025
Opening Day is always a special time, marking the beginning of a new school year of training men and women for the ministry. We look forward to what God has in store this year! All services will be held in the Biblical Preaching Center. All services will be livestreamed.
Tuesday, August 19, 2025
South Central Up-Close Week
Tuesday, April 22 - Thursday, April 24, 2025
Midwest Up-Close Week
Tuesday, October 21 - Thursday, October 23, 2025
Southwest Up-Close Week
Tuesday, November 11 - Thursday, November 13, 2025
YouthCon provides an opportunity for teens from across the country to come together for Bible preaching and spiritual growth. For more information, please visit the YouthCon website.
Tuesday, July 29 - Thursday, July 31, 2025
How many majors does Heartland offer?
Heartland offers 15 majors across 6 academic departments. The majors include 4-year programs in a variety of pastoral, missions, youth ministries, education, and music disciplines, as well as a 2-year Ministry Secretarial program and a 1-year Bible Certificate program. See the complete list of majors and the course catalog here.
Is Heartland a local church ministry?
Because Heartland is not organized as a ministry of one specific church, perhaps you’ve wondered:
• Is Heartland a local church ministry, or is it a parachurch organization?
• Can our church send students to Heartland when we believe ministry training is a local church responsibility?
• Why is Heartland not under the exclusive authority of Southwest Baptist Church?
These are reasonable questions that warrant clear answers. We are passionate about biblical church doctrine, which means we’re glad to explain how a high view of the local church can co-exist with fervent support for Heartland.
How does Heartland's cost compare to other colleges?
The average price for a year of Bible college in 2025 across the nation was $16,588. Out of 15 Christian colleges, with prices ranging from $6,000 to $29,670 per year, Heartland ranks as one of the most affordable at $9,330.
How does Heartland support students academically?
Heartland desires for all students to thrive academically and provides multiple layers of academic support. All students are assigned to an academic department through which the student’s department chair is available to answer program-related questions and to give academic counsel. The Academic Affairs Office monitors students’ academic progress and provides guidance for those who need additional support. Instructors view their teaching responsibilities as a ministry to students and are eager to offer personalized help. Tutors are also available for a variety of subjects.
All of these support layers (and more) reinforce our care for students.
What quality of education will I receive at Heartland?
Heartland’s administration and board of directors (comprised of 22 pastors) are dedicated to excellence in ministry training without the influence of any accreditation association led by theologians from other denominations. Because the college is not entangled in bureaucratic accreditation processes, Heartland’s resources can be focused on giving students a high-quality education that prepares them for real-life Christian service. This quality of education is rooted in instructors’ personal walk with God and extensive ministry experience, as well as the leadership’s high academic standards. Through purposefully designed curriculum—and enriching and practical instruction—students are challenged to devote their minds to Christ, which gives them grace to excel in the academic rigors they encounter.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-943-9330
Office Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Mailing Address:
4700 NW 10th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
© 2025 Heartland Baptist Bible College. All Rights Reserved.