Pastoral Ministry

What can Heartland teach me about being a pastor?

Shepherding God’s people is a high calling and great responsibility. Being a pastor requires a man to love, to lead, to protect, and to feed the church to which he is called. Pastors are expected to administrate church business, to counsel needy members, to care for the afflicted, to preach God’s Word faithfully, and to fulfill many more spoken and unspoken responsibilities.

Although no Bible college can completely prepare you for everything you will encounter as a future pastor, we believe we can provide you with the tools and training to approach pastoral ministry with God-dependent excitement and boldness.

At Heartland Baptist Bible College, general education and Bible courses in the first two years provide a crucial foundation for pastor-specific courses in the junior and senior years. Pastoral Preparation, Pastoral Counseling, Homiletics, Applied Homiletics, Pastoral Responsibilities, Biblical Greek, Pastoral Leadership, and Pastoral Internship are just a few of the courses where biblical philosophy meets practical instruction. Men of God with years of ministry experience can equip you with essential truths and skills for pastoral ministry.

Interested in pursuing pastoral studies at Heartland Baptist Bible College? Consider applying today, and a member of our admissions team will contact you soon.

We would love to help you determine if Heartland Baptist Bible College is where God is leading you for ministry preparation.

Pastoral Major Curriculum Guide

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