Ministry Secretarial

Studying Ministry Secretarial at Heartland

The Ministry Secretarial course of study is designed to teach ladies how to work as an office professional in a ministry setting.  You will be taught the proper use of computer programs and related technology; you will be guided through practical projects to help you develop the skills needed to manage a ministry office with excellence and integrity.

During your first year of study, you will learn to fully utilize word processing, you will be taught accounting principles, programs and practices to enable you to assist in the proper stewardship of financial resources, and you will be trained in principles of design for ministry promotional materials.  Consistent proofreading and editing techniques are taught throughout the program.

The changing role of technology in the workplace today does not diminish the importance of proper procedures in the office environment, particularly in the ministry office where the secretary’s godly conduct is essential.  A number of excellent Bible classes will be provided as an essential part of your training during each semester of this two-year course.

Our experienced faculty demonstrates their commitment to personal mentoring by making themselves available to spend time with each student “one-on-one.” As a student you will take field trips to a variety of local offices as part of your training. Our faculty will direct your specific placement in a guided internship in a local church’s office.

If you feel a call on your life to serve as a secretary in a church or would simply like to learn what to do if the need arises for office help at your church or ministry, you should consider majoring in Ministry Secretarial at Heartland Baptist Bible College.

Ministry Secretarial Major Curriculum Guide

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