Christian Education

Welcome to the Education Department at Heartland Baptist Bible College.

Are you interested in serving the Lord as a teacher of children, youth, or adults?

A teacher is one who invests valuable time and truth into a student with intent on positive change.  At Heartland Baptist Bible College, our goal is to equip those God has called into the field of teaching with the tools and skills they will need to communicate effectively the eternal truths of God’s Word.

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – historian Henry Adams

As a part of the Education Department, you will benefit from a faculty with over 100 years of practical teaching experience.  The faculty strives to prepare each student with a biblical philosophy of education, as well as the skills, methods, and strategies essential for success within their chosen area of study.  Our educational philosophy addresses the spiritual and professional preparation of individuals whose focus is the teaching ministry.

The Elementary Education and Secondary Education majors provide prospective teachers with both class work and field experiences that will prepare them for the traditional classroom. These programs of study also offer a general preparation for the local church ministry, as well as training for those interested in teaching or administrating a Christian Education program within the United States or on a foreign field.

Christian Education graduates can confidently transition into their ministry with the knowledge that they are prepared to make a difference in the lives of their students, their colleagues, and schools.

Secondary Education Major Curriculum Guide

Elementary Education Major Curriculum Guide

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