Bible Certificate

Earning Your Bible Certificate at Heartland

Not sure if God has called you into ministry?

Are you seeking God’s will, but you have not received any clear direction?

Would you like to receive Bible training before studying for another profession?

Do you need a foundation of Bible truth to better help you in ministry?

Consider Heartland Baptist Bible College’s one-year Bible Certificate program.

Heartland’s one-year Certificate of Practical Bible Training Program consists of 30 semester hours of Bible-focused classes. Students who enroll in the program are able to learn from experienced Bible teachers while taking a survey of the Old and New Testaments, learning basic Bible doctrines, and challenging themselves through classes such as Personal Spiritual Development, Personal Evangelism, and Methods of Bible Study.

Upon completion of the Bible Certificate course work, classes taken can be transferred into other majors.

The Bible Certificate program isn’t just about academic training. Living on campus, interacting with students and faculty, attending chapel, and participating in ministries at Southwest Baptist Church will help students develop foundational character and a godly walk with the Lord.

The Bible Certificate program at Heartland Baptist Bible College is a great option for anyone trying to determine God’s will—or trying to become better equipped to do God’s will.

Bible Certificate Major Curriculum Guide

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