Alumni Homecoming Week 2023


October 09, 2023 - October 12, 2023    

Event Type

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Alumni Homecoming Week is among one of the favorite weeks of the semester for many students and staff, as well as the alumni who come back to campus.  It is designed to provide fellowship among former students, interaction with current students, and a good dose of challenging preaching that will both encourage and help everyone who attends.

In addition to the preaching sessions each morning, the college hosts an alumni banquet (6:30pm Monday-Gym), Art Wilson Hall renovation open house (2pm Tuesday), class reunions (6pm Tuesday-Chapel), alumni vs. students volleyball (6:30-8pm-Gym) and basketball games (8-9:30pm Tuesday-Gym), restaurant fellowship (1pm Thursday-Swadley’s) and bonfire (8pm Thursday-Ballfield). Each of these activities makes the week enjoyable, profitable and relaxing. The 11:30am services can be watched on livestream.

If you were a student at Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College (1967-1998) or Heartland Baptist Bible College (1998-present), or if you would just like to get to know some current or former students, this is a great week to visit campus.