The Future of our Future

Youth ministry is about the future — the future of our Baptist heritage, the future of our churches, the future of our colleges, the future of everything we value and believe to be important.

The future of all that is what makes Youth Ministry so important — perhaps the most important ministry.

I doubt anyone would take issue with the importance of training our future youth workers. We don’t hesitate to put forth effort and funds to see to it that our next generation of youth pastors and youth pastors’ wives are prepared to take their place in our churches.

We want them to have a solid philosophy of ministry, a clear doctrinal perspective, and a burning desire to see souls saved and lives changed through the preaching and teaching of a rightly divided use of His Word

We must have youth workers who are committed to the Bible and the church.

We must have youth workers who know why we are Baptists and how we got here.

They must know why we must be planted firmly in those beliefs that distinguish us from Protestants and the “non-denom” churches that are growing in size and influence all around us.

There is no option!

We must have well-prepared, God-loving men who are ready to take their place alongside the pastors in our churches. The future is at stake — and the future of our future.

Here’s what I mean:

The future sits in those metal folding chairs listening to that nervous young man preach or teach.

The future of our “movement” lies past those youth workers that we want to see trained to serve the Lord.

The future is sitting in those chairs, riding on those busses, playing basketball, and having fun at summer camp.

The next pastor, Bible college professor, missionary, deacon, Sunday School teacher, giver, and faithful church member is right now under the influence of our future youth workers.

They are the future of our future.

Why is it so important that our youth pastors be grounded in His Word and be Baptist through and through? They hold in their hands the future of our future — right there — right in those seats.

That eighth-grade boy who seems to have no interest — and even less aptitude — under the ministry of a caring youth pastor could be the godly preacher of the Word in the not too distant future.
That high school girl, who is being pulled toward a life of compromise and regret, under the influence of a loving youth pastor’s wife could grow to be a godly wife, mother, and servant of the Lord.

It may not be easy to see right now, but there they all are. All of our preachers, teachers, missionaries and faithful church members could be listening right now to a young man, or young woman who was properly trained to take on the challenge of youth ministry.

It’s big, is it not? Bigger than we realize. The future of our future!

I am personally endeavoring to keep that in mind as I have a small part in training the next generation of youth workers. It’s about the future, theirs and ours.

Ted Inman

Assistant Pastor | Southwest Baptist Church

To learn more about the Youth Ministry Program at Heartland Baptist Bible College, click here!