Best Church Planter’s Conference Yet?

As I sit at my dining room table a full week after the HBBC Church Planter’s Conference, I am still rejoicing in all the ways God worked during the meeting. I know that I was personally encouraged and challenged.  My faith increased through the course of the week, and I was reminded of many past conferences and how God used them in my own life. It was amazing to watch as great burdens were lifted, financial help was given, and God called men to start more churches. A part of me really wants to describe this year’s church planting conference as the best one yet; however, just as soon as I get those words out, the Lord reminds me of all the ways that He has used the past church planting conferences in my life.

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I remember the way God used the first conference I ever attended. I was a high school student and member of Southwest Baptist Church. I sat in a hard metal folding chair in the Gym/Chapel and marveled at the vastness of God’s work and the generosity of God’s people.

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Then attending as a poor freshman in college, I remember being ashamed with thinking that I had “given up” anything to serve God. I watched men with less money than I had fearlessly answer the call to plant a church. I was moved by their faith and desire to serve God above all else.

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I remember sitting at the Conference my third year in school as God laid on my heart to be involved in church planting. As I prepared to graduate, God used the preaching of His Word to confirm in my heart that He wanted me to take my bride to New York State and get a full-time job so I could serve alongside a church planter. Those days turned into some of the most exciting times in our lives.

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I vividly remember my first time coming as a church planter and seeing things through completely new eyes. The meetings had always been good and God had used them repeatedly in my life.  Now I needed them more than ever, not for the money, but for the fellowship, preaching, and renewed vision.

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During the year we planted a new church, and the next year the church was listed on the “Needs List” for the first time.  You want to talk about a change in perspective!  I battled with fear and faith throughout the whole week, but on Thursday afternoon God gave me peace. Walking into the Chapel I almost knew I would not be called; I nearly fell out of my chair when I was. That night I watched God do for our church what He had used that meeting do for so many others. Rejoicing in His provision, we were able to purchase 16.4 acres of land. Many of the same generous people who gave that very first year are still faithfully giving. Not only do these people continue to give, but through the years others who were once helped have joined them.

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Now for the last two years I have come to the conference to give to other church planters.  Because someone helped us when we were starting out, I get to pass the same blessing on to a new church planter.It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.