Why Does HBBC Have College Days?

Why have College Days

Why Does HBBC Have College Days?

A picture is worth a thousand words

Have you ever had someone try to describe an amazing trip they took to see the Grand Canyon? They might talk for hours about its breathtaking beauty, the colors of the various rock formations, the miles of hiking trails, and the enormity of the canyon itself.  After they do their best to describe what they experienced, they recall the hundreds of pictures they took during the trip and then start to show you some images of the canyon’s awe-inspiring beauty.

You may be totally impressed with all that the person shows and tells you, but if the old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true, then to actually be at the Grand Canyon and experience it for yourself is probably worth ten thousand words (or more)!  In reality, for you to really absorb the splendor of The Grand Canyon, words and pictures are not enough. You really need to go and experience it for yourself.

What is the real purpose behind College Days at Heartland Baptist Bible College? This is a fair question. Does Heartland have College Days primarily to recruit students?  The answer is both “No” and “Yes”; let me explain.

Words and pictures can only reveal a small portion

My initial response would be “No” because Heartland does not “recruit” individuals to become students. Instead, we allow the Lord to do the recruiting for us.  I know that sounds cliché, but if God wants you here at Heartland, so do we!

Heartland has College Days because we want you to learn about the college and we realize words and pictures can only reveal a small portion of it to you. When you come and experience a sample of what we teach in classes, fellowship with Heartland students, staff, and faculty, and see the amazing things God is doing at Heartland, then you will truly experience Heartland Baptist Bible College for yourself.

Training laborers

My second response to the question would be “Yes,” Heartland really does have College Days to recruit students. We do want more students here at Heartland, and  Luke 10:2 explains why. It states, “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send fourth labourers into his harvest.”

If the Lord has a harvest, and He does, and if He wants His harvest to be reaped, and He does, then He needs laborers to do that. Jesus pointed out the need and then gave us the solution to the problem – pray! That is exactly what we have been doing here at Heartland – praying that the Lord would “…send forth labourers into his harvest.”  Naturally, if we are going to pray for that to happen, we also hope He will send those laborers to Heartland to train to be sent out as laborers in His harvest field.

Preaching to help you hear from God

Another reason Heartland has College Days is to encourage believers. Hundreds of people, who believe like you do, are also trying to determine God’s will for their lives. During College Days you will experience preaching which is directed to help you hear from God in order to help you to discern the next step He wants you to take in following Him.

Consider HBBC as the place where you will be trained

College Days will be here soon and we really hope to see you here.  If God is calling you to be a laborer for Him, we have been praying for you. Would you seriously consider Heartland Baptist Bible College as the place where you will be trained? Would you consider coming to College Days so you can experience, firsthand, the breath-taking things that God is doing here for His name’s sake? If so, come and see for yourself!

Jason Spivey | Admissions Director

Sermons from past College Days

Check out these sermons from past College Days