New Music Curriculum

New Music Curriculum

New Music Curriculum

This fall, the Heartland Baptist Bible College music department has rolled out an exciting, brand-new music curriculum.  Continual improvement of the music program has been a high priority for many years. Each new school year has brought many positive changes.  However, this year, under the guidance of Academic Dean Rick Williams, we stepped back to survey the entire program. We asked, “What specific skills, knowledge, and ministry experience should a music graduate from Heartland Baptist Bible College gain?”

Using this question as a guide, we have rebuilt the entire music curriculum from scratch.  The new curriculum offers every music major a learning experience that is specific, hands-on, and personalized.

The curriculum is specific

First, the curriculum is specific. Each student is given now exactly what he/she needs to prepare for future ministry.  Because of our burden for and philosophy about church music ministry, we have designed our program to meet every music student where they are, no matter their level of training, knowledge, or skill and regardless of their specific calling or interests.

Students choose from four distinct programs

Within the music program at Heartland, a student may choose from four distinct programs:

Music Minister

This program is designed for young men who feel called to serve as the music minister in a church setting.

Music Education

This program is designed for men and women who feel called to teach music.

Church Musician

This program is for men and women who desire to improve their vocal skill or playing an instrument for ministry within the local church.

Music Ministries

Intended for men or women who desire to learn music but do not feel specifically led to pursue one of the other tracks.

Because each of these tracks has a different end goal, each involves different classes.  Classes are now tailored to the needs that a person in each of those specific fields of ministry will have.

Complementing a student’s track-specific classes are the core classes that every music major will take.  Not only do these build a solid foundation necessary for all music ministry, but they also allow students to connect with other music majors, building long-lasting relationships which will help sharpen students.

The Curriculum is Hands-On

Secondly, the curriculum is hands-on.  Classes such as choir and ensemble, as well as private instrumental or vocal lessons, give students the opportunity to develop skills through exciting rehearsals, one-on-one instruction, and personal practice.

At the center of the hands-on experience is our unique internship plan.  This plan outlines several hands-on activities and projects, both academic and ministry-related, that a student will complete during his/her four years of study. It will serve as a “road map to graduation.”  Through regular meetings with a faculty advisor, each student is kept apprised of their progress.  Customized plans are then recommended to suit their specific gifts, interests, and ministry opportunities.

The Curriculum is Personalized

Finally, the curriculum can be personalized.  Students only take classes that are necessary for their track, and the scope and sequence is laid out in such a way that each semester carries a very manageable workload. This allows room for customization through elective choices.  As mentioned, the internship plan is also highly customizable, allowing students to plan out their unique path to graduation.

These curriculum qualities – specific, hands-on, and personalized – combine to make the Heartland music program unique and effective.  Music students at HBBC can be confident their specific needs will be addressed. Their learning will involve plenty of real-world application, and that they can take ownership of their studies through customization.  We are excited to be able to use this program to train servants for Christ who are well-equipped for and passionate about local church music ministry.