You Want Me To Go… There?!

You Want Me To Go… There?!

You Want Me To Go Where?!

When I was a kid, we used to have Bible college students spend every weekend with us. They would help out in the church, sing specials, teach classes and do whatever needed to be done.

I remember watching Muppet Treasure Island with them almost every Friday night when they would come into town and stay at our house. I loved having them around.

They all seemed so godly—and so fun!

I made up my mind as a young boy that their college was going to be my college.

Then, a couple years later, the college moved. No more Bible college kids on the weekends. No more Muppet Treasure Island. Bummer.

I loved my area of Southern California. It was all I knew. It was comfortable. The weather was great! I did not want to lose all that just for college.

But… I also remember the impact those college students had on me. Their spirit was contagious. Their attitudes were always happy. They served. They loved God. They simply wanted to be a blessing in any way that they could, and I liked that.

I wanted my life to be like that.

So, I figured if that’s how I wanted to turn out, I had better go through the same process. I decided that my decision as a young boy would stand. I would still go to that college, even though it was now in another state.

“God, are you sure you want me to go… there?!”

Yep. No doubt.

So I packed up after high school and went. I did not know anyone and I did not know what I was doing, but I knew that God’s calling on my life as a boy still stood.

No Regrets

Now I am on the other side. I graduated college and I am now a youth director encouraging others to spend at least a year in Bible college.

I have no regrets. The state I lived in for a few years wasn’t so bad after all. God gives a special love for the places He calls you to, and as long as you are obedient to Him, life is good, no matter the circumstances.

I Want It For Everyone

My life has been great, and I want God to bless everyone like He has blessed me! If you want God’s blessings, all I can say is this: obey God. He will make your life more full than you can even imagine!

Is Bible college for everyone? No way!

There were times I thought, “This is terrible… I’m sick of this… This is not what I was expecting… What about all the fun stories everyone else has… It’s a lot of work!” At those times, though, I never even considered leaving because I knew I was where God wanted me to be. I was in a blessed place in life, and I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.

Don’t Refuse What You’ve Never Really Considered.

Is Bible college for you? I don’t know. Maybe. Don’t rule it out. Don’t ignore Bible college just because someone you know doesn’t like the idea. Don’t refuse what you’ve never really considered.

Bible college is definitely not for everyone, but it might be for you. Too many people ignore or disobey God’s call. I daresay He calls many people who never answer His call. I don’t want that to be you.

The next few chapters will give some benefits, some objections and some general principles on why Bible college is something that you might consider.

Ryan Rench, Calvary Baptist Church of Temecula, CA