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Student Life
Heartland Baptist Bible College believes service in a local church is a vital part of students’ training. Therefore, every student must be a member of, regularly attend, and actively serve in a local independent fundamental Baptist church.
Students entering Heartland Baptist Bible College from outside of the immediate Oklahoma City area join Southwest Baptist Church of Oklahoma City. Students from the immediate Oklahoma City area may continue membership and service at their home churches.
Beginning with the second year in school, a student may become a member in another local church, provided:
the church is a strong independent fundamental Baptist church,
the student has a definite ministry position, and
approval is granted by the Administration in advance.
Students are expected to be faithful in church attendance, giving, and service. Students complete a weekly Christian Service Report, which includes documentation and accountability of:
attendance at church services
participation in visitation, door knocking, soul winning, or similar outreach ministry; and
participation in a minimum of one church ministry.
Heartland Baptist Bible College enjoys a special relationship with Southwest Baptist Church in many ways. One special relationship is found through the Adoptive Family Program. Many families in Southwest Baptist Church “adopt” students from Heartland as they begin their first year in school.
The goal of the Adoptive Family Program is to provide encouragement and prayer support, as well as to help students feel at home while attending Heartland. Adoptive families are also greatly encouraged by the program, as students endeavor to be a blessing to their host families. The program is a great way for students to enjoy additional family support while they are away from home, and it is also an opportunity for members of Southwest Baptist Church to enjoy investment in Heartland Baptist Bible College students.
What opportunities for ministry will be available for me?
Opportunities for service include children’s ministries, bus ministry, retirement home ministry, music, witnessing, greeting, and more.
Is Heartland a local church ministry?
Because Heartland is not organized as a ministry of one specific church, perhaps you’ve wondered:
• Is Heartland a local church ministry, or is it a parachurch organization?
• Can our church send students to Heartland when we believe ministry training is a local church responsibility?
• Why is Heartland not under the exclusive authority of Southwest Baptist Church?
These are reasonable questions that warrant clear answers. We are passionate about biblical church doctrine, which means we’re glad to explain how a high view of the local church can co-exist with fervent support for Heartland.
Heartland’s administration and board of directors (comprised of 22 pastors) are dedicated to excellence in ministry training without the influence of any accreditation association led by theologians from other denominations. Because the college is not entangled in bureaucratic accreditation processes, Heartland’s resources can be focused on giving students a high-quality education that prepares them for real-life Christian service. This quality of education is rooted in instructors’ personal walk with God and extensive ministry experience, as well as the leadership’s high academic standards. Through purposefully designed curriculum—and enriching and practical instruction—students are challenged to devote their minds to Christ, which gives them grace to excel in the academic rigors they encounter.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-943-9330
Office Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Mailing Address:
4700 NW 10th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
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