Debt Free to Serve

Debt Free to Serve

Debt Free to Serve

Student loan debt can limit one’s ability to minister after Bible college. However, being free from student loans allows graduates to serve in ministry without the pressing burden of loan payments.  The primary benefit of this freedom is that a graduate can choose where to serve based upon God’s leading, instead of on the size of the salary.

Since its inception, Heartland Baptist Bible College has operated under a plan by which churches provide regular financial support to the college. This enables any student, regardless of his or her family’s economic situation, to enter Heartland, prepare for ministry, graduate, and go into ministry without student debt.

Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM)

Students, and their families, benefit from the affordable education provided at Heartland as a result of the aid of many churches around the world that support the school regularly. Forty-four percent of the school’s operating costs are provided by generous support from churches, individuals, the Alumni Association, and Bookstore sales. Only 56 percent of the total cost remains for students to cover.

It is truly amazing to see how the Lord uses the TEAM principle to enable Heartland to be one of the most affordable, full-service, independent, fundamental, Baptist colleges in the country. Through the network of support mentioned above, Heartland is able to offer ministry training with a high degree of academic excellence at an extremely affordable cost. Because Heartland is training future pastors, missionaries, music ministers, youth pastors, school teachers, and church secretaries, the investment of those who support the college will pay great dividends in furthering the work of God and spreading the Gospel around the world!

An Affordable Education

National research reveals that 60 percent of bachelor’s degree graduates left college in 2019 with student loan debt averaging $29,000. To help with the high cost of education, most colleges recommend that students seek financial assistance via federal assistance programs. For example, one private evangelical college’s website stated that the annual cost to attend that college is approximately $56,000; however, students were encouraged to lower that amount to $12, 925 by taking advantage of federal grants and student loans. While the cost is reduced at the time, some of this type of financial aid must be paid back following graduation. Our desire is that each Heartland student complete their degree without being burdened with student loans.

For those who need to work their way through college, the Oklahoma City job market is very favorable for a student with a mind to work. Most students are able to get jobs and make their monthly payments without difficulty. Also, the work assistance program at Heartland provides additional work opportunities if needed.

Tips for Graduating Debt Free From Bible College

Here are some tips to help you graduate from Bible college without any debt.

Develop a Plan

It has been said that “A failure to plan means that one plans to fail.”   Plan ahead and come prepared to make the full down-payment during registration. If you are able, paying for the entire semester up front is best, but if you plan to pay using the installment plan, be sure to pay on time each month.

Seek Guidance

The Business Office, Admissions Department, and Dean of Students’ Office can all help guide you regarding financial help that may be available. Heartland has over 75 scholarships, 15 grants, and a practical work-assistance program.

Be Willing To Work a Job

Oklahoma City has a strong employment base and job market. Heartland hosts a job fair at the beginning of each fall semester to familiarize students with various businesses that desire to hire students.

Start Using a Budget and Save for College 

Saving as much money as possible prior to entering college will certainly help you in the long-run. Many successful students plan ahead to have at least one semester of expenses set aside prior to enrolling, and some have set aside enough to pay for the entire first year. This practice allows time for adjustments that will occur during the transition phase from working a job back home to finding a job in Oklahoma City. Keep in mind that the purpose of the job is to help pay for schooling and not to be your career. It may be wise to consider taking advantage of full-time and part-time seasonal work during winter and summer breaks. Regardless of where you work, having a budget will help you stay on track as you manage your finances to save for college and prepare for each new semester. Keep in mind that the purpose of the job is to help pay for schooling and not to be your career. A simple, easy-to-start budget system can be found at

Consider An Internship

Once you are in college, one of the best ways to earn money to pay for future semesters is to participate in an internship program. An internship will allow you to use what you have learned in college, enable you to gain valuable experience, and help you earn sufficient income for the next semester—all at the same time. The staff placement office at the college can help provide you with more information regarding internships.

Prioritize Your Education

Plan ahead to keep your education the priority. Give intentional effort to keep your attention on your education, rather than becoming so focused on your job that your academic performance suffers. Remember, churches and individuals are sacrificially giving to cover a significant portion of your education cost.  If for no other reason than gratitude, you should attend and treat your classes with a high level of attentiveness.

Pray for God’s Provision

Each Christian has been called to serve the Lord in some way. As part of that calling you have a responsibility to prepare. A crucial part of the preparation process for the Lord’s work is prayer. In the secular world, education is simply equipping one’s self for a career. However, in ministry, education is preparing one’s self for service to the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that God will provide financially for you as you prepare for a lifetime of service to Him.

We are praying for God to call more laborers into His harvest. If you are one of those laborers He is calling, and you are considering attending Bible college, we would love to talk with you.

For more information regarding how to prepare for Bible college, contact us to receive a free copy of the book “A Case for Bible College” by Ryan Rench.